Viviana Checchia to take over as new Director of the Void Gallery

Viviana ChecchiaViviana Checchia
Viviana Checchia
Viviana Checchia will take over as the new Director of the Void Gallery on Tuesday.

The curator, programmer, and researcher joins the Derry gallery fresh from her recent roles as Residency Curator at Delfina Foundation, London, and Senior Lecturer on the MFA at HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg.

She has long-standing experience as Co-Director of ‘Vessel’, an international curatorial platform based in Puglia, South of Italy, for the support of social, cultural, and economic development through and with contemporary art.

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Welcoming the appointment, Void Board member and Curator at IMMA Ireland, Seán Kissane, said: “The Board of Void is delighted to welcome Viviana as the new Director.

"She has a fantastic record of achievement in many fields, including the co-founding of ‘Vessel’ with its focus on socially engaged practice, public programming, commissioning, and writing.

"Viviana has set out a very exciting vision for Void, and we eagerly anticipate seeing how this will evolve and develop in the coming years.

“The Board would like to sincerely thank the outgoing Director, Mary Cremin, for her extraordinary work at Void, among the highlights were Helen Cammock’s winning of the Turner Prize; bringing Eva Rothschild to the Venice Biennale; and moving the gallery to its new home in Waterloo Place. We wish her the very best with her future endeavours.”

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Responding to her appointment, Viviana said: “I am really looking forward very much to taking on my new role at Void and to working with the team and the board.

“Art and its relationship with society is one of the catalysts that has informed my work to date and I am excited to see what we can do at Void by way of this catalyst, with the locale and with the wide array of artists, curators and organisations connected to Void.

"Engagement and commoning have been very important aspects of my practice and I hope to share some of this approach as we shape a future for the organisation with Void’s creative ecosystem that is responsive to the urgent socio-environmental issues of our time and imaginative with the ways in which contemporary art can drive that ambition.”