Grab a paint brush for Grayson’s Art Club..!

Grayson and Philippa PerryGrayson and Philippa Perry
Grayson and Philippa Perry
Friday:Grayson’s Art Club; (Channel 4, 8pm)

Turner prize-winning artist Grayson’s first Art Club series – initially delayed due to (non-covid) illness – was one of the big hits of Lockdown 1, helping to foster that feeling of community and togetherness that was so much a feature of that time.

It also helped many of us to get creative, or to reawaken that spark for making that for some had become dormant, busy as we were with commuting, socialising or otherwise getting out and about. The isolation has been hard, but some small consolation can be found in its fruitfulness.

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Now Grayson is back, with wife Philippa Perry, for another rich tapestry of masterclasses, hints and tips, and amazing creative guests. First up he’s joined by Culture Club frontman, singer and artist Boy George, who creates an artwork inspired by this week’s theme: ‘Family’. Plus world-famous fashion and portrait photographer David Bailey discusses his other passion – painting – while London-based multidisciplinary artist Yinka Ilori demonstrates how his work fuses stories from his British and Nigerian heritage. Comedian Harry Hill, no stranger to an easel himself, also makes an appearance.

Boy George and Grayson then sift through their favourite public art submissions of the week. It’s these sections that are the real treat, and it’s both exciting and inspiring to see the works that people have created at home. The real benefit of this part of the programme comes from the fact that all skill levels are represented. There’s a sense that even beginners are welcome to submit, and that those watching at home who have yet to pick up a paintbrush, pencils, a craft knife or a hot glue gun – or any manner of other artistic media – can do so and create something wonderful.

The 2020 show was a huge success and over 10,000 people sent in their art, hoping to be included in Grayson’s exhibition. Sadly, the exhibition at Manchester Art Gallery was unable to open to the public due to the national Lockdown 2 in November 2020 – but it was showcased in a special episode of Art Club on Channel 4 late last year, with the artist meeting some of those who submitted their work.

It was a moving affair, and we feel privileged to be invited back into his Islington studio. We’re also looking forward to seeing more of Kev, the Perrys’ adorable cat, who was a bit of a minor star during the first series.

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Grayson says: “I’m so pleased and proud Art Club is coming back, it’s a joyful team effort with the stars being the artists who send in their wonderful works and tell us their stories. Of course, it’s not principally about art, it’s a celebration of life. This show is a crystallisation of the feelings and obsessions of artists from all over the country whether it is their first painting since primary school or they are world famous. This will be a show about the joy and solace of making art. It will also be a still moment to reflect on a situation that has affected everyone on the planet.”

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