Clarity needed on wage supports for self-employed and zero-hours contract workers - UNITE

An almost deserted Ferryquay Street on Wednesday afternoon last. DER1220GS - 023An almost deserted Ferryquay Street on Wednesday afternoon last. DER1220GS - 023
An almost deserted Ferryquay Street on Wednesday afternoon last. DER1220GS - 023
Unite Regional Secretary Jackie Pollock has welcomed the historic measures announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to protect workers’ income and the economy but has called for assurances that these protections will also extend to all vulnerable workers.

Many local self-employed people, including those reliant on bookings and events such as tradespeople, artists, musicians, make-up and hair stylists, photographers, personal trainers and others have seen their incomes plummet as bookings completely dry up, events are cancelled and businesses are forced to close and people self-isolate.

Similarly people hired without any protections on zero hours contracts are left with an uncertain future.

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Speaking about the measures announced on Friday by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, which will see the government pay 80% of wages for those who have been temporarily laid off, Jackie Pollock said: “This package of measures is welcome and are of a type that have been sought by Unite and other trade unions.

“Bold action is necessary to protect workers from hardship and to avert an economic depression in the face of the unprecedented threat caused by the Coronavirus.

“The measures announced today are huge – especially for a Conservative government – but reflect the strength of the demand of workers and the trade union movement for urgent and bold action.”

Jackie Pollock however said the safety net must apply to all equally. “It is now vital that clarity is provided that the wage supports announced will be extended to those who are self-employed and also that a living income is provided to zero-hours workers, based on a simple assessment procedure.

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“Given the pressing nature of the Coronavirus crisis, it is essential that these measures be enacted in a simple, straightforward and above all fast manner. This is the only way to put money into the pockets of the millions who face the threat of destitution.

Workers will draw strength and confidence from today’s announcement. Never before have we faced a crisis of this nature. The Chancellor has done the right thing and we look forward to engaging further with government both central and regional in the coming days to get this money into the hands of those most in need”, Mr Pollock concluded.