Final funding push for Springtown Camp artwork

An artist's impression of the art work at the top of Springtown road. The actual installation will be a third the size of a nissan hut.An artist's impression of the art work at the top of Springtown road. The actual installation will be a third the size of a nissan hut.
An artist's impression of the art work at the top of Springtown road. The actual installation will be a third the size of a nissan hut.
Local people have been asked to help push the planned artwork commemorating the people of Springtown Camp over the finish line, through an online fundraising drive.

The Springtown Camp Historical Group is asking for assistance from those who can afford to contribute to the art installation “to celebrate the special band of brothers and sisters” that lived there.

Former resident, Hugh McConnell, said it would be great if they could now get over the final funding hurdle. “Spingtown Camp is in the DNA of the people of Derry,” he said. “Thousands have conme through it, some of whom, like my own mother and father who were among the first wave there from 1946 and were there until ‘67.”

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The permanent artwork will take the form of a nissan hut and will be a third of the size of the original huts local families lived in for over 21 years. It will be installed at the top of Springtown Road and there will also be two adjacent commemorative plaques/ totems listing the names of all the families who lived at the camp.

The camp was initially developed as a camp for the US Navy before becoming home to over 400 local families, who through their fight against discrimination and for better housing, helped to inspire the NI Civil Rights Movement.

The total cost of the installation including fees, is just under £20,000. To date the Group have raised £14,000 through funding applications, leaving a shortfall of £6,000. The group have set up a ‘Springtown Camp Art Installation’ Facebook fundraising page for donations and already over £2,000 has been raised. To donate search for the page and check out:

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