Pop up cycle lanes, quiet streets and pedestrianisation green lighted for Derry - Minister Mallon

A jogger and a cyclist pass the emigration statues on Queen’s Quay. DER1720GS - 018A jogger and a cyclist pass the emigration statues on Queen’s Quay. DER1720GS - 018
A jogger and a cyclist pass the emigration statues on Queen’s Quay. DER1720GS - 018
Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has announced that a number of green initiatives will now be rolled out in Derry to promote walking and cycling.

During a briefing on the Coronavirus emergency, Minister Mallon confirmed plans to roll out active travel initiatives promoting cycling and walking in towns and cities as Covid-19 restrictions are gradually lifted.

Minister Mallon told the daily Executive press conference pilot schemes will be introduced in Derry and Newry – after one initiative got under way in Belfast.

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The Minister said: “Pilots have already hit the ground running in Belfast and will soon be rolled out in Newry and Derry. These will include pop up cycle lanes, pedestrianisation and quiet streets that make our places safer, greener and cleaner, promoting healthier, happier communities open for business and investment.”

Earlier this month, the Minister announced plans to extend the waterfront in Derry, while on Tuesday of this week she said moves to reduce the number of cars inside the historic monument would be taken forward alongside those proposals to expand greenway provision along the Derry riverfront.

Speaking in the Assembly on Tuesday she said: “In Derry I will provide extra space for people along the riverfront and will work with the Council and other stakeholders to bring forward plans for reducing traffic within the city walls as businesses begin to reopen.”

Meanwhile Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey confirmed the majority of State Care Monuments will reopen to the public from today, Thursday July 28.

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Most of the 190 sites in the care of the Department’s Historic Environment Division will be open for access.

However, facilities including toilets, visitors’ centres, cafes and shops will remain closed in line with public health requirements.

Minister Hargey said: “I recognise how hard the restrictions have been and the impact that has had on people’s physical and mental health. However, it would be remiss of me not to remind the public that we have not yet emerged from the Covid-19 crisis. It is vital that people continue to socially distance, wash their hands and not become complacent as restrictions begin to be lift. Please enjoy these beautiful spaces, take care of them and dispose of your litter carefully or take it home with you.”

Sites which have significant amounts of indoor space or present particular safety or public health concerns will also remain closed including Carrickfergus Castle, Dunluce Castle, Devenish Island, Scrabo Tower, Dundrum Castle and Grey Abbey.