'Shop Local' is the message as Mayor Graham Warke visits Derry traders

The Mayor, Graham Warke, with Tanya Cunningham of Stewart Jewellers and Business Development Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council, Tara Nicholas.The Mayor, Graham Warke, with Tanya Cunningham of Stewart Jewellers and Business Development Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council, Tara Nicholas.
The Mayor, Graham Warke, with Tanya Cunningham of Stewart Jewellers and Business Development Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council, Tara Nicholas.
The Mayor of Derry City & Strabane District Council, Alderman Graham Warke, has been urging the public to shop local this Christmas as part of his whistle-stop tour of businesses and shops throughout the City and District.

Last week the Mayor visited a number of retail outlets and shops to find out how local traders are finding the Christmas shopping season.

As part of his tour, the Mayor visited businesses in the heart of the city centre, including the Craft Village and in the Waterside. He also visited businesses in the outskirts of town at Maydown and in Eglinton and later in the week spent time with traders in Strabane.

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This past eighteen months have been an extremely challenging time for local businesses, and Derry City & Strabane District Council is keen to inspire confidence among the public by encouraging them to shop local. Council has been working closely with the business community throughout the pandemic, delivering a range of support from bespoke advice to essential grant aid.

Business Development Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council, Tara Nicholas, Mickey McGonagle from Angry Cherry and the Mayor, Graham Warke.Business Development Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council, Tara Nicholas, Mickey McGonagle from Angry Cherry and the Mayor, Graham Warke.
Business Development Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council, Tara Nicholas, Mickey McGonagle from Angry Cherry and the Mayor, Graham Warke.

Whilst touring local businesses in the City and District last week, Mayor Warke said: “Local businesses have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic. Now during the busiest shopping period of the year, it’s vitally important that we support these local traders as much as possible.

"These independently owned businesses are what makes our City and District unique and I was delighted to see the products and wares they have on offer, particularly for Christmas gifts. I would encourage the public, as much as possible, to spend local this year.”

Business Development Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council, Tara Nicholas, reiterated the Mayor’s comments saying: “Mayor Warke has heard first-hand from traders about the difficulties they have been facing throughout the pandemic. They have also shared with the us the sense of ‘community spirit and support’ they have been receiving from their customers.

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“We have a great opportunity to help our home-grown, independent businesses here flourish. Deciding to shop local really makes a huge difference to our local traders and we shouldn’t underestimate how impactful even our small spends can be. Our independent stores and shops employ so many local staff and by supporting them, we are making a great choice in terms of supporting ourselves.”

Find out more about the campaign at shoplocalderrystrabane.com