Soaring claimant count a worrying trend, warns MLA as Derry & Strabane still highest

SDLP Foyle MLA Sinead McLaughlin.SDLP Foyle MLA Sinead McLaughlin.
SDLP Foyle MLA Sinead McLaughlin.
SDLP economy spokesperson Sinead McLaughlin has said it is extremely worrying, if not surprising, to see the number of people on the claimant count in NI doubling in the four months from March to July.

Latest figures show Derry & Strabane has the highest percentage of people out of work and reliant on job-seeker related benefits in the north at 7.4%.

Foyle MLA Ms McLaughlin said that this was a worrying trend “that will accelerate as the furlough scheme comes to an end in October”.

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“NI now has both the lowest unemployment rate and the lowest employment rate in the UK. This reflects the very large number of people who are classed as economically inactive – often because of lasting disability, others who are single parents or have other caring responsibilities.

Unemployment and economic inactivity are not evenly spread across NI, and are at much higher rates in Derry/Strabane and in Belfast.”

“For many reasons, this is a very troubling situation, both because of the continuing outbreak of Covid-19 and the far reaching impacts it has on our economy.”