A ‘Model’ of Christmas charity and generosity

Items collected in the Model P.S. Christmas initiative.Items collected in the Model P.S. Christmas initiative.
Items collected in the Model P.S. Christmas initiative.
As we approach the Christmas break, it is typical of parents in Derry to send a small gift into school with their children to be given to their teachers and school staff as a token of thanks for all their hard-work throughout the school year.

This year however, Principal of the Model Primary School Michelle Ramsey, wrote to parents to ask if they could instead, send in food items that could be passed on to charities.

Answering the call, parents did so, with generous donations that meant each class was able to make hampers with still lots left over.

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The hampers contain food as well as much need items for struggling families such as nappies and other essentials. Michelle said they have been ‘totally inundated’ with donations from parents, with the hampers all prepped and ready to be given to charity.

Crowdfunding firm GoFundMe, recently confirmed that Derry is the most generous city within the United Kingdom. The parents of the children at the Model primary school have definitely played their part in building the city’s reputation for generosity, leaving the school ‘overwhelmed’ with their kindness.

Michelle also told the ‘Journal’ that last year after Christmas, the school asked the children to send in any unwanted gifts that could be used for a Rickety Wheel. The original plan was for the draw to be held at Easter to help support school funds.

However, with the arrival of the Covid pandemic, this proved impossible, so the decision was made to donate these presents and gifts to both St. Vincent De Paul and the Salvation Army.

The donations include toys and gift sets.

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Michelle said: “There are families in our community who could benefit, and we have a lot of good quality items that can go out to them this Christmas. All through the pandemic, our parents have been really supportive and we just want to thank them for how kind they have been. We recognise that we have a lot of vulnerable people in our society who are in need.”

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