New back-to-school COVID-19 safety regimen outlined by St. Mary's College acting principal Brendan McGinn

St. Mary's College acting principal Brendan McGinnSt. Mary's College acting principal Brendan McGinn
St. Mary's College acting principal Brendan McGinn
The acting principal of St. Mary's College Brendan McGinn has written to parents outlining the new safety regimen that will be in place to guard against the potential spread of COVID-19 when pupils return to school next week.

Mr. McGinn has issued a letter to parents detailing the rigorous measures that have been taken at the Northland Road school to ensure the safety of pupils, staff and parents when the new academic year commences.

All pupils who travel to the school by public transport must wear a face covering, the letter stipulates, though students are encouraged to walk to school or use personal transport if possible.

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"On entering the school building, everyone will have their temperature taken, hands sanitised and have a face covering.

"If a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or above is recorded, that member of staff or pupil will not be permitted to enter the school building and will be asked to return home (parents contacted for pupils) to seek medical advice.

"We are currently sourcing reusable masks for everyone but all pupils and staff are expected to provide their own," advises Mr. McGinn.

Pupils from different year groups will be channelled into and around the school by different entrances and routes.

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Year 8, 9 and 10 classes will be kept in 'protective bubbles' in a single classroom to which teachers will travel for lessons.

There will be limited movement to facilitate the different curricular choices of pupils in Years 11- 14 but students must wear face coverings when moving through the school corridors.

"All classrooms will have at least two windows and the main door open to encourage good ventilation, hand sanitisers and cleaning products, and a see-through cough/spit screen (1.5m by 2m) placed in front of each teachers' desk. All desks will be in single file. Deep cleans will take place daily in every classroom and desks will be disinfected regularly," Mr. McGinn adds.

Pupils will be seated at least one metre apart within the classrooms and if this social distance is observed face coverings will be optional rather than compulsory.

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Face coverings are expected, however, to be worn in the corridors at all times, the letter says.

Regular hand-washing will take place during the day with pupils encouraged to carry their own hand sanitisers supply.

The canteen will be operational from September 1.

"It is likely that Year 8-10 pupils will eat lunches in their classroom (canteen food will be brought to them) while Year 11-14 will have access to the canteen. This will be reviewed over the coming weeks and further information will be provided to pupils during their first day back," the principal explains.

Mr. McGinn informs parents that Reddin school buses will be operational from August 24 but Translink routes will not run until the start of September.

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Pupils are of course expected to come to school in their full uniforms and to bring school bags.

If they use lunch boxes or drinking bottles they must be labelled..

Mr. McGinn's letter states: "There will be understandable nervousness and anxiety about starting back to school. This goes for us all including staff. It is therefore imperative that each and every one of us support this approach we are outlining in this letter.

"Good pupil behaviour and discipline throughout this is critical and pupils who deliberately resist supporting any aspect of our approach outlined in this letter may be asked to work from home and we will support this learning virtually."

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