St. Cecilia's College Principal Martine Mulhern announces intention to retire

Martine MulhernMartine Mulhern
Martine Mulhern
The Principal of St. Cecilia's College Martine Mulhern has announced her intention to retire.

The much respected local school leader made the announcement on Thursday, stating: "It has been the privilege of my life to have led St. Cecilia’s over the past 10 years. It is, therefore, with a heavy heart that I give notice of my intention to retire."

The announcement has been met with an outpouring of goodwill and best wishes from colleagues and the wider community.

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Katrina Crilly, Principal at Oakgrove, stated: "You have been a rock to the young people of the city, always striving to make the world a better place them. You’ve given so much it’s any wonder you are tired! They may not remember what you said but they will definitely remember how you made them feel, that they were important!"

David Goddard, a teacher and year head at St. Mary's College, tweeted: "Quite simply Mrs. Mulhern, you are amazing. You have been inspirational and the perfect role model to everyone that knows you. You have been central to my own journey and for that I am extremely grateful. Enjoy your well earned retirement Martine."

The Honourable the Irish Society stated: "Martine, that’s a great shock but I’m sure you have earned retirement. Thanks for everything you have done for the St. Cecilia’s college community for so long. We have been privileged to be one of your supporters."