Durkan slams Poots over COVID claim

Mark H. Durkan.Mark H. Durkan.
Mark H. Durkan.
SDLP MLA Mark H. Durkan has criticised Edwin Poots for suggesting a lack of compliance with COVID-19 regulations among nationalists is responsible for the higher prevalence rates of the disease in predominantly Catholic areas.

The Agriculture Minister caused controversy with his claim there is a ‘six to one’ difference between nationalist areas and unionist areas.

Speaking on UTV on Friday Mr. Poots said: “I will abide by the regulation and I will abide by the regulations, as have most people in my community.

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"What I’m saying is, those people who didn’t abide by them, including the Sinn Féin leadership - because a lot of this started shortly after the Bobby Storey funeral.

“A lot of the problems started after that event, and people in that community saw the breaking of the rules.

“That’s why there is a difference between nationalist areas and unionist areas - and the difference is around six to one.”

Mr. Durkan strongly criticised the claims.

“I don’t deny Minister Poots’ observation that levels of the virus are higher in predominantly nationalist areas. However, his observations fail to recognise was the link between deprivation, areas of low income and levels of the virus, as evidenced in other countries.

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“Derision towards nationalist areas won’t afford Minister Poots’ own constituents better protection against this pandemic. However, I’d hope that maybe now the DUP will finally acknowledge and address the historic economic plight of these areas, such as my own constituency of Foyle.

"There is no place for green and orange discourse within our politics, but certainly not during a time of crisis.”