Great turnout for North West BAPS celebration of World Breastfeeding Week

A Derry-based organisation dedicated to improving breastfeeding rates in an area of low practice has expressed delight after over 200 people attended an event in St. Columb’s Park.

North West BAPS (Breastfeeding And Perinatal Support), hosted an event in St. Columb’s Park House on Saturday, August 5 during World Breastfeeding Week.

It was attended by over 200 participants.

Dr. Maria Herron, who established the NWBAPS last year, said: “We were absolutely delighted with the turnout of so many mums, dads, children and grandparents.

"The event was very focused on showcasing the wide range of support and services that are available locally to help families with breastfeeding and other aspects of parenting.

Derry City and Strabane District Council has the lowest breastfeeding rates of any Council area in NI so it is important to have days like this, to help highlight that there is lots of help for any family who wants to breastfeed, and also that there is a great community of other families to link up with.”

Breastfeeding support is available from the Western Trust, Derry Well Woman, La Leche League, Cuidiú North West and SureStart.

Natasha Burke, Service Co-ordinator with Action for Children which runs the Waterside Sure Start, provided sensory play at the event.

“Waterside Sure Start were delighted to join NWBAPS to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week. Breastfeeding support is available at Waterside Sure Start for parents living in the Waterside area,” said Natasha.

One mum who attends Waterside Sure Start said: “It has been an amazing and rewarding experience to feed my baby and the support I’ve had has really helped me on my journey. It’s great to see services in town expanding and normalising breastfeeding.”

Jessica Clarke, a member of the NWBAPS team, was delighted to meet staff from TinyLife at the event.

Jessica's son Casey arrived earlier than anticipated last year - at 29 weeks and 6 days - and Jessica received support from Tiny Life.

She said: "I am grateful for the amazing work of Tiny Life who offer support to families with premature babies like mine, through services such as breast pump hire, as well as baby massage classes and a toddler group!"

Deirdre Carr, who is a Family Visitor with Tiny Life, explained: “We are dedicated to reducing premature birth, illness, disability, and death in the six babies born every day in NI.

"Our Family Support Services have been specifically developed to provide emotional and practical support to parents/carers of premature babies who have spent time on a Neonatal Unit from birth.”

Joyce McKittrick, Western Trust Lead Public Health Nurse said: “The Trust have been fully supportive of the work of NWBAPS and their event to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week.

"Supporting families to breastfeed and increasing the number of babies who are breastfed, offers the best possible start in life and to do this, it is so important to raise the profile and normalise breastfeeding within our communities.”

John McBride said: “When my son was a baby, I wasn’t sure how to support his mum to breastfeed him and I wasn’t aware of where I could get guidance or support. That is why I remain involved in supporting breastfeeding initiatives and urging dads and dads to be, to come along to events like this.”

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