MUSCLE CAMP: Finish line's in sight but it's only the start!

Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.
Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.
IT'S the penultimate week of the FF Fitness Muscle Camp and while I'm now fully in the swing of my high intensity fitness regime there's an underlying sense of disappointment as it's nearing the end of my gruelling four week programme.

I’ve grown accustomed to the tri-weekly early morning starts, I’ve got a handle on my diet and I’m loving the sessions which test recruits to the maximum.

I never thought I would enjoy this camp as much as I have and I’m noticing real differences in my strength while constantly learning new techniques and exercises which keeps your interest and ensures you’re on top of your game.

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MONDAY 6a.m.: We started week three off with a bang on Monday morning with a tight shoulders and arms circuit with plenty of reps totalled up and a mixture of controlled rep tempos and drop-sets to stimulate the muscle fibres.

Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.
Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.

Controlling the speed of repetitions is a great way to get the most out of every set and while it’s much more difficult and demanding on the muscles involved, I can notice my strength is increasing as a result.

The session began at a slow tempo to increase tension; quickened in pace and by the end of it I could barely complete the last station as my shoulders had reached burnout stage.

WEDNESDAY 6.a.m: Leg Day! Our midweek session was a brutal but rewarding leg circuit taken by FF Fitness P.T., Billy Hutchinson with drop-sets at each station until failure. Of course that was after several rounds of pushing the prowler with weight gradually increasing each time. Recruits were then paired up and taken through the hack squat machine, dumbbell squats, leg curls etc. before cautiously making our way downstairs towards the exit door with legs trembling.

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FRIDAY 6a.m.: An annoying head cold threatened to derail my progress at the end of the week but, determined to finish the week on a high, I dragged myself out of my slumber and made my way to the final session of the week. And it was well worth the effort!

Muscle Camp recruits following a tough session focussing on shoulders and arms.Muscle Camp recruits following a tough session focussing on shoulders and arms.
Muscle Camp recruits following a tough session focussing on shoulders and arms.

The focus was on biceps and triceps and the so-called ‘show muscles’ took a real hammering, focussing on tension with five second negatives for each rep and exercise. And we were treated to a nice super-set finisher of Lying Triceps Press and Barbell Press sit-ups to strengthen abdominals.

It was probably my favourite session of the camp so far and I’m already looking forward to getting back at it on Monday morning.

With just one week to go I don’t want the camp to end and hope I can maintain the same level of discipline and a similar workout regime without the expertise and guidance from the experienced personal trainers at FF Fitness.

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A brand new Muscle Camp begins on Monday, February 1st with classes at 6 a.m., 6.45 a.m. and 5.15 p.m. and I’d highly recommend it to anyone at any level, seeking to achieve their fitness and lifestyles goals for 2016 or improve their physique or techniques.

Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.
Week 3 of the Muscle Camp at FF Fitness concluded with a tough session on biceps and triceps.

Next week I’ll be seeing how much of an improvement I’ve actually made to my physique and check in on how my body fat percentage has improved. So fingers crossed I’ve made significant steps in the right direction!

Check out for more information on the popular Muscle Camp programme at FF Fitness, Springtown; Letterkenny and Dungiven.