New online resource for traumatic impact of suicide welcomed

Foyle MLA Padraig Delargy.Foyle MLA Padraig Delargy.
Foyle MLA Padraig Delargy.
Sinn Féin MLA Padraig Delargy has welcomed the launch of a new online resource aimed at helping communities cope with the trauma of suicide.

Known as the ComKit platform, the Foyle MLA said the resource would be invaluable to those dealing with the traumatic aftermath of suicide in their community.

Padraig Delargy commented: “The Comkit platform communicates guidance developed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) on a number of key themes including the importance of using safe language when talking about suicide; the use of social media when dealing with the subject and to inform the development of memorials and the holding of public gatherings within the community.

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“The platform is supported by the Public Health Agency and has been developed with Urban Scale Interventions (USI) in partnership with Families’ Voices Forum as well as community and voluntary groups who are members of local Protect Life Implementation Groups (PLIGS) from the five health and social care trusts.

“It is customised for use by family, friends, neighbours, media, political representatives and community organisations.

“It uses a number of example scenarios and information videos that advise the best approach if a community requires guidance and awareness on how to respond to a sudden death suspected to be suicide.”

The Derry MLA added: “A suicide in the local community leaves people shocked, confused and often unsure of how to react.

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“This toolkit will provide vital guidance to ensure those affected have direction on how to deal with the aftermath of such a traumatic event.”

Comkit can be accessed at

*The Lifeline helpline can be contacted for free on 0808 808 8000 in confidence.

*The Samaritans can be contacted on 02871 265511 or Freephone 116 123 in confidence.

*Children can contact Childline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 0800 1111 for any issue or by visiting in confidence.

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