Opt-out organ donation move a welcome step

Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.
Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.
Sinn Féin Councillor Sandra Duffy has welcomed the announcement that a consultation will be held on ‘opt-out’ organ donation in the north.

The party’s local Health spokesperson said: “This is a positive development and one the families of those waiting on organ donations and campaigners will welcome. What we need now from the Minister is clarity as to when the consultation will get underway.

“We will continue to work with and engage with the sector on this issue and I will monitor very closely all related developments from the department on this.”

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Health Minister Robin Swann announced his intention to hold a consultation this week.

There have numerous calls from people on the waiting list for transplants, those who have undergone organ donation, their families, charities, organisations and from the wider public for such a move.

The Minister said: “NI has an excellent record in organ donation and transplantation however more needs to be done to increase the number of organs available for those in need of a transplant.

“While approximately 47% of the NI population are currently on the organ donation register, there are still approximately 112 waiting on a transplant. We must do more to increase the number of donor organs available. With many more people willing to consider donating an organ than are actually registered as donors, I have long believed that an opt-out system would be hugely beneficial.”

It is anticipated the consultation process will begin in the autumn.