Ruby’s Fitness App is an exercise in innovative ideas

Natasha O’Hea, (Community Manger at Catalyst) Jason McDevitt (Ruby’s App), Jacqueline McCann – Co-Founders Coach, Sinead Lynch and Bronagh McNamara – both Ruby’s App.Natasha O’Hea, (Community Manger at Catalyst) Jason McDevitt (Ruby’s App), Jacqueline McCann – Co-Founders Coach, Sinead Lynch and Bronagh McNamara – both Ruby’s App.
Natasha O’Hea, (Community Manger at Catalyst) Jason McDevitt (Ruby’s App), Jacqueline McCann – Co-Founders Coach, Sinead Lynch and Bronagh McNamara – both Ruby’s App.
An innovative new app, inspired by a Derry girl called Ruby, is to promote and focus on exercise and wellness for children and adults with additional needs.

Ruby’s Fitness App was one of five start ups that recently received £10,000 of Innovate UK funding in conjunction with the North West Co-Founders Programme.

The talented team behind the app - Sinead Lynch, Bronagh McNamara and Jason McDevitt took part in the first North West Co-Founders programme, which has provided support to a new generation of first-time entrepreneurs and early stage start-ups from the local area.

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Based at Catalyst Innovation Centre at Fort George, all the Co-Founders cohort, including the Ruby’s App team, completed a part-time online programme one night a week for 16 weeks.

The late Ruby.The late Ruby.
The late Ruby.

The programme helps people develop new product ideas focused on technology, engineering and science.

Ruby’s Fitness App has been developed and promoted throughout the process and is currently at the prototype stage, where it is being tested out by the very enthusiastic staff and students of Ardnashee School.

The Ruby of the app’s name is the late daughter of co-founder Sinead Lynch.

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Ruby, who had Down Syndrome, very sadly passed away two years ago at just seven years old.

As Ruby’s mammy and a personal trainer, Sinead was more aware than most at the lack of facilities and access to proper exercise, fitness programmes and wellness for people of all ages with additional needs.

When Ruby was born and in the years that followed, this realisation became more acute and Sinead saw a real need, as well as a true want for these facilities.

“People have come to me in the past or parents have come to me and I’ve worked with them and what their needs are. I could see that there was a big gap there for something like this app.”

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She joined forces with Bronagh McNamara of Foyle Down Syndrome Trust, who had contacted her about setting up fitness classes for people with additional needs.

“We got in touch with Destined and the classes were put on and it was brilliant.

“Everyone enjoyed it and we enjoyed it. We started thinking that we’d love for other people to be able to access this, as the need was there and not just in Derry.

“Before we came to Derry I lived in Wicklow and it was fairly rural. We had to go to Dublin if we needed to access something and I thought that it would be great if there was a way for people or parents to do this without needing to travel miles away.”

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The idea for the app came about and Sinead and Bronagh heard of Catalyst and put their names down for it. They were ‘delighted’ to be accepted.

The Covid 19 restrictions hit just as the programme began, so classes took place via Zoom. Sinead said the programme was absolutely invaluable. “It was great to find out what others thought of the app idea - thankfully they thought it was brilliant! We went through the different processes and learned so much. We met different people who all had their own strengths and ideas and we were able to learn so much from them in developing the app. We were able to team up with other people who had skills and input that we thought might work for us. Jason McDevitt, a software developer came on board and it just kept on going from there. We were over the moon when we received the £10,000 and we have so many ideas now for moving forward with it.”

Sinead is keen to showcase the benefits of exercise, fitness and wellness, not just physically but also mentally.

“When I lost Ruby, it was exercise that got me through. It has such a positive impact on your mental health.”

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Many parents already go to Sinead to ensure their child is undertaking the correct exercise for their needs and she is glad to be able to expand on this with the app.

The prototype is being tested out by Ardnashee School who are ‘really excited’ about it.

“It’s unbelievable to be at this stage now. We benefited so much from the North West Co-Founders programme.”

The programme helps people develop new product ideas focused on technology, engineering and science.

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The five ideas which have secured funding include technology for medical student training, an innovative development for road’s cat’s eyes, a digital platform for golf caddies, a social fintech solution and the digital platform for exercise and wellbeing - Ruby’s App.

The Co-Founders programme is currently open for applications for its Autumn cohort . Find out more at

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