Stephen Nolan shocks social media with 'astonishing' weight loss photos

BBC Northern Ireland and BBC Radio 5 Live broadcaster and television presenter, Stephen Nolan.BBC Northern Ireland and BBC Radio 5 Live broadcaster and television presenter, Stephen Nolan.
BBC Northern Ireland and BBC Radio 5 Live broadcaster and television presenter, Stephen Nolan.
Northern Ireland broadcaster and television presenter, Stephen Nolan, was described as "inspirational" after he shared two photos documenting how much weight he has lost since starting a new fitness regime.

In the past, Nolan has spoken openly and honestly about his battle with his weight.

However, 16 weeks ago Nolan started on a diet and began exercising regularly.

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On Sunday evening he shared two photographs on Twitter; one from the last time he was on holiday in America and a second picture of how he looks now after shedding so much weight.

"Pic on left was me in USA last time," explained Nolan to his almost 220,000 Twitter followers.

"I made myself - and that bird - a wee promise I’d try hard this time to lose weight.

"Pic on right is me week 16 into diet. Hopefully over the next 42 days I’ll lose another stone so that I land in Santa Monica having achieved my goal," added 45 year-old Nolan.

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In an earlier Tweet, Nolan revealed he had reduced his waist measurement by a staggering 28 inches since November last year.

BBC Northern Ireland and BBC Radio 5 Live broadcaster and television presenter, Stephen Nolan.BBC Northern Ireland and BBC Radio 5 Live broadcaster and television presenter, Stephen Nolan.
BBC Northern Ireland and BBC Radio 5 Live broadcaster and television presenter, Stephen Nolan.

"Squeezed into a 34” waist today. It’s kinda cheating as they are ‘stretch jeans’, but it’s better than the 58” waist I was in Nov [sic] last year. Pushing myself tonight, as I’ve 2lbs to lose before Tuesday weigh in to hit this week’s target," said Nolan.

At the time of publishing this article Nolan's weight-loss Tweet had received almost 6,500 likes and had been re-tweeted 125 times.

"You might need a new passport picture Stephen," replied UUP MLA for North Down, Alan Chambers.

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"Keep at it. I have been feeling your pain at only being able to lick potato crisps," he added.

Northern Ireland entrepreneur, physician and winner of BBC One programme, The Apprentice, Dr. Leah Totton, provided Nolan with some words of support and encouragement.

"It’s not easy but you’re doing great, as doctors we often advise people to “lose weight” but it’s one of the hardest things for people to do (IMO it’s as hard as quitting smoking), it requires an entire lifestyle change," said the Londonderry born businesswoman.

"You’ve done it before, you can do it again, keep going," she added.

Northern Ireland political commentator and News Letter columnist, Alex Kane, described Nolan's weight-loss as "astonishing".

"That’s astonishing progress Stephen. Well done."