The Mindset Junkie: Are you afraid of success?

Seamus Fox pictured at the recent TedX talk in Derry.Seamus Fox pictured at the recent TedX talk in Derry.
Seamus Fox pictured at the recent TedX talk in Derry.
On the long list of fears this would probably not be accounted for a lot or even thought about, but like most of our fears they hide under the radar of our awareness, but ultimately control almost all of our behaviours.

Can you be afraid of success?Yes is the honest answer.

One of the top fears in life is public speaking. It cripples most people at the very thought of it but is it really the fear of speaking?

No, the fear is judgement, being judged by other people and their opinions of you.

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So many people are afraid of being judged and this fear stops so many from putting themselves out there and really going after what they want from life.

Let’s face it, nobody likes the thought of other people ridiculing you or talking you down, but such is life and it will happen anyway, people will always have an opinion.

To overcome the fear of being judged you really do have to condition your mind, to develop a stronger sense of self, so that you can show up no matter what else is going on.

When you begin to grow in life you will always have the naysayers, the jealous people, and the crowd who want to do what you are doing, but usually don’t want to put in the effort.

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This is the polarity in life. For all the good there is there has to be some negative. It’s called balance but here is the most important part . . . what are you focusing on?

Last week I had the opportunity to speak at TEDx which is a world renowned speaking platform and it was fantastic to have the opportunity.

I had prepped a 10 minute talk that spoke primarily on creating change, especially around how we see ourselves.

Not so long ago I would have turned down that chance to speak because of a lack of belief in myself.

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I would have made up excuses or some kind of reason to hide what was really a lack of belief in myself and to stand on such a platform and share my views to the world, the fear was judgement and what other people’s opinions of me might have been.

Does that leave you? Not really, but those fears aren’t enough now to prevent me from creating opportunity and sharing my views with the world.

“ Where attention goes, energy flows it and expands and grows”.

What we feed our minds daily will determine a lot of the time how we feel and how we behave.

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Are we filling our minds with fear based thinking, or are we empowering our minds by being around the right type of people and absorbing the information that will give you more belief in yourself?

The choice is ours, always. If your fear of being judged is stronger than your desire to be the person you really want to be, you will always get caught up in procrastination and self sabotaging and never really being the highest

People will judge you no matter what, so why not let them judge you as the highest version of yourself that you can be!

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