The Mindset Junkie: It’s not selfish to put yourself first!

The Mindset Junkie, Seamus FoxThe Mindset Junkie, Seamus Fox
The Mindset Junkie, Seamus Fox
Why do all flight attendants tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first?

It is part of every airline safety procedure. Look after yourself first.

Why? Well, because you can only help yourself or others if you look after yourself first.

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However, how many of us do the complete opposite? Basically all of us.

We run around looking after this and that, taking care of the kids or focusing on other people’s problems and how we can solve them.

Do we take the time out needed to look after ourselves properly?

Not very often. Very rarely do we do it properly, or consistently enough to warrant any sort of reward from it.

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It is not selfish to put yourself first! But that’s what most people think and the guilt people feel from this is the reason why a lot of us never do it. Start to put yourself first from now on.

Why? Well, because when you do all the things you want to do, the people you’d like to help, the business you want to flourish, it all works better and easier.

You can’t look after anything as best as you’d like to if you aren’t looking after yourself first, and that’s a fact.

So figure out what you want, what do you need? Take that time out, pamper yourself, take a rest when you need it. Recover but do it often.

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I can guarantee, once you will start to become that little bit selfish and focus more on you, the goals you have will flow that little bit easier.

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Seamus Fox