The Mindset Junkie: Overcoming Fear

The Mindset Junkie, Seamus Fox.The Mindset Junkie, Seamus Fox.
The Mindset Junkie, Seamus Fox.
Playing not to lose, or playing to win? There is a big difference.

One is based on scarcity, lack and fear and ultimately that kind of energy makes you contract, get smaller and think about yourself largely more than anything else…

Playing to win holds a different space and a completely different kind of energy and I’ve experienced both and I know what I personally prefer.

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Playing to win opens up much more creativity within you. It opens up much more possibilities for you and shifts your energy and thinking from lack and scarcity to abundance and freedom.

So many times we are trapped simply by our thought processes, by how we perceive a certain situation to be and that isn’t necessarily exactly how the situation is. You might see an issue or a problem completely differently to how I view it.

What’s the difference then??

It’s perception, perception of self, the world, the beliefs we hold, and our perception around certain experiences we have encountered through life.

These can train our minds to look at things in a fearful way as in playing not to lose, scarcity instead of playing to win and abundance.

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You see for years I played not to lose, and its not a nice space to be. Everything was a worry or an anxious feeling over what could go wrong, until I conditioned my mind to see things differently. Most importantly, to see myself differently.

Once I began to work harder on myself and my subconscious beliefs and habit patterns, my perception began to change, things seemed different. I began to feel different, my behaviour changed and so to did my results in life.

We all have choices in life. We are either choosing to be who we want, feel how we want and live how we want, or ultimately we are not choosing at all.

Is it time to choose something different?

Play to win the game of life, don’t play not to lose!

Check out the Mindset Junkie podcast here