The Mindset Junkie: What has 2020 and its many challenges taught you?

Mindset and Business mentor, Seamus Fox will speak at the upcoming Mind, Body & Business Summit.Mindset and Business mentor, Seamus Fox will speak at the upcoming Mind, Body & Business Summit.
Mindset and Business mentor, Seamus Fox will speak at the upcoming Mind, Body & Business Summit.
I think it is safe to say that this year has been like no other, something that none of us have ever experienced and will never want to experience again.

There has been a lot of hurt, pain, suffering, fear and uncertainty, but there has also been a lot of positives from 2020.

I am always an optimist and I will do what I need to do to stay optimistic in even the most challenging times. It’s why I work so hard each day on my routine. That helps me condition my mind to think in a certain way.

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Has it been tested? 100%. Have I been optimistic all year? No.

I am always honest in my approach and there have been times that I’ve been angry and hurt and sad to see what has been happening to people’s lives and livelihoods with business closures and more.

I’ve seen local businesses do everything they have been asked to do and then still get shut down. I’ve watched businesses that do not have the opportunity to adapt and maybe go online, push and do what they could to stay open and innovate to offer different services and then still get shut down.

When I see that, I will be totally honest, it really does hurt to watch and it can make you very angry to see how little control people can have over something they have worked so hard to create and build up, possibly for years even while complying with all the safety measures that they have been asked to implement.

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But as I said, I like to remain the optimist. I’ve had the same challenges this year in my own businesses and in 2020 I think I have learned more about myself and what I really want from life more than any other year.

This year I have done more introspective work and by asking myself more questions I have gained a lot more clarity as to where I want my own future to be and how I want that to be.

I’ve used this time to create and look at other ways to continue to grow. I launched a new company and business during the first lockdown and I’ve put time into finishing my first book. I have learned to take action on the things that I can still control no matter what else is going on around us.

This year in the Mindset Academy I have been mentoring others to do the same and it has been amazing to watch the members overcome fears and limiting beliefs to help them launch their own projects and businesses, some even even going on to write books and much more from the academy members.

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When we get squeezed in life which we will do at all times if we want to grow, we must begin to adapt, innovate, and create opportunity where it might not seem possible and this year has shown us all that we most be more flexible in not only other thinking, but how we live.

On Wednesday night past inside the Mindset Academy I spoke about having a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset and what exactly mindset is.

It’s a word that gets said a lot but what does it mean to you?

Our mindset is made up of our beliefs, our values, assumptions and our perceptions about not only the world around us but ourselves and it creates a certain lens that we view the world from, and because of these it dictates a lot of our habits and results in life.

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But we can change our mindset from let’s say fixed to be more growth minded, because we can change our beliefs values, perceptions of ourselves and assumptions at anytime.

We begin to change our mindset when we learn something new, when we experience something different or when we are forced into change that makes us look at things differently. All of our brains are malleable they are not fixed they can be changed at anytime and the more and more studying of the brain and in particular neuroplasticity,

scientists have seen and understood more that we really can change our brains, and our ability to see ourselves differently and more importantly our potential.

So in conclusion I would ask you, what has this year taught you about yourself? What has it forced you to learn about yourself?

More importantly, what are you going to take from this year and apply into your life going forward into 2021 and even further?