Two more COVID-19 deaths in Derry and Strabane as Altnagelvin nears capacity

On paper, ICU in Altnagelvin is at capacity while overall there is just over 3 per cent capacity available in the hospital in general occupancy terms.On paper, ICU in Altnagelvin is at capacity while overall there is just over 3 per cent capacity available in the hospital in general occupancy terms.
On paper, ICU in Altnagelvin is at capacity while overall there is just over 3 per cent capacity available in the hospital in general occupancy terms.
Two more people have sadly died with COVID-19 in Derry and Strabane bringing the total death toll in the district since the pandemic began to 41.

According to the latest data published by the Department of Health on Tuesday 77 people were being treated in Western Trust hospitals with coronavirus at midnight last night.

The latest daily COVID-19 dashboard data show that seven of nine ICU beds at Altnagelvin (77.78 per cent) were occupied with COVID-19 patients. Two further ICU beds were being used for patients with non-COVID issues.

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There were no unoccupied ICU beds, according to the daily dashboard, although at a recent press briefing the Western Trust said there was a potential maximum capacity of 18 ICU beds at Altnagelvin and six to ten in Enniskillen.

Three ICU patients - all suffering with COVID-19 - were being ventilated at the Derry hospital.

A breakdown of general occupancy shows Altnagelvin is now 21.86 per cent 'COVID-19 occupied', 74.28 per cent 'other occupied' with just 3.86 per cent capacity still available in the system.