UNISON secretary Patricia McKeown backs extension of restrictions to protect public health

Patricia McKeownPatricia McKeown
Patricia McKeown
One of the main trade unions in the north has backed an extension of the COVID-19 restrictions to protect public health and further drive down transmission of the virus.

UNISON Regional Secretary Patricia McKeown said the first priority of our elected representatives must be to protect the public.

"We should not forget that we had to enter this current period of restrictions because the spread of the virus had grown beyond our control and was threatening to overwhelm our health service.

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"UNISON is the single largest union representing workers right across our health and social care system. We know from them that our health service is under pressure like never before.

"We are facing into a perfect storm with a system that was already missing thousands of workers now seeing increasing numbers of patients requiring treatment for Covid-19, combined with winter pressures and large numbers of workers having to self-isolate," she said.

Ms. McKeown said hospital capacity has grown increasingly stretched over the last number of weeks with more and more admissions to ICU.

The number of outbreaks in care homes has also risen dramatically, she added.

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"The Executive collectively needs to strengthen and improve our testing and tracing system, but this must be combined with proper financial supports for those asked to self-isolate to stop the spread of the virus.

"We also need a furlough scheme that delivers 100% of pay for those who cannot work because of the restrictions, particularly critical for the lowest paid in our society who right now may be receiving less than the minimum wage.

"Rather than drawing a false dichotomy between lives and livelihoods, all of our politicians, both at Stormont and Westminster, should be doing all they can to see the furlough scheme extended and enhanced and to introduce proper financial support for those self-isolating," she said.

The Executive is currently meeting to discuss a recommendation from health officials for the ongoing restrictions to be extended beyond next week.

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"We are urging the Executive to take the public health advice it will receive today extremely seriously. The protection of the public and our members who are putting themselves at risk to care for them must be at the forefront of the debate. Now is the time for us all to suppress the spread of the pandemic, protect our health service which is already working beyond its capacity, and protect the public.’’

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