‘Abandonment’ - a photo exhibition of Derry Traveller community in 1960s

One of the photographs taken by Eamon Melaugh.One of the photographs taken by Eamon Melaugh.
One of the photographs taken by Eamon Melaugh.
An exhibition of works by local photographer Eamon Melaugh focusing on the Derry Traveller community in the 1960s is being showcased at Eden Place Arts Centre at Pilot’s Row.

Speaking about the ‘Abandonment’ exhibition, which opened yesterday. Eamon said: “My photographic exhibition shows in graphic detail the degrading living conditions, in which fellow human beings survived in.

“I became aware that a traveller couple were to be married in St. Patrick’s Church in Pennyburn, I decided, uninvited, to photograph the wedding. On the day in question the wedding was cancelled. Several days later I presented myself at the campsite in Ballyarnett where the Traveller community lived and I was truly appalled that human beings were living in abject squalor.”

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The photographs will be on display in Eden Place Arts Centre until February 28 and can be viewed anytime from 10am-6pm, Monday-Friday.

Eden Place Arts Centre on Rossvile Street is supported by ACNI through Lottery Project Funding.