Ebrington works getting back on track as lockdown eases

Ongoing redevelopment work at the King Street Roundabout end of Ebrington Square. DER2030GS - 006Ongoing redevelopment work at the King Street Roundabout end of Ebrington Square. DER2030GS - 006
Ongoing redevelopment work at the King Street Roundabout end of Ebrington Square. DER2030GS - 006
Construction and development work has resumed at various key sites in Ebrington after the easing of lockdown restrictions, while Ebrington Square is to remain off limits for events.

Work on a planned new hotel, grade A office complex, a supermarket, cafe and bike hire business and other developments have all been impacted by the pandemic and resulting restrictions, but the various projects have now all been either restarted or rescheduled.

The NI Executive Office, which is currently responsible for the site, has confirmed however that all events at Ebrington Square remain suspended for the foreseeable future, a measure which will be “kept under review”.

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The move is being taken in line with government guidance on the prohibition of large scale gatherings, but the Executive Office said it was open to examining other ‘pop up’ facilities for the site at present.  

Ongoing redevelopment work at Ebrington Square. DER2030GS - 008Ongoing redevelopment work at Ebrington Square. DER2030GS - 008
Ongoing redevelopment work at Ebrington Square. DER2030GS - 008

The spokesperson added: “We are pleased to note the considerable increase in the use of Ebrington Square during these difficult times but have not received any applications to date to support business pop-up type ventures.

“We will consider any requests if and when they are received.”  

Meanwhile Derry & Strabane Council have submitted revised proposals for one of the key projects earmarked for Ebrington- the £11million DNA/ Maritime Museum project, which will run along the northern fringe of Ebrington Square.

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The museum and archive complex- which takes in several buildings along the northern fringe of Ebrington Square close to the Peace Bridge - has faced numerous hurdles over the years, including securing the funding needed to get it over the line.

A Council spokesperson said the museum “remains a key attraction within the new Tourism Strategy and Council are continuing to work closely with all our partners in both government and the tourism industry to ensure its successful delivery”.

The spokesperson added: “A strategic review was completed last year and the Business Case was updated earlier this year and submitted to funders. As part of the business case a number of proposals were included to bring it into the context of current strategies and to align it fully with the Central Riverfront Strategic Outline Case and the wider City Deal proposal. Council continues to explore all funding opportunities for this key strategic tourism facility, including the opportunities that have been afforded by the City Deal announcement.”

Construction and development work has resumed at various projects in Ebrington after many ground to a halt during the COVID-19 lockdown.

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Agreed developments currently being progressed at Ebrington include the Grade A Office Accommodation to provide 62,500 sq² of office space.

This is due to open in February 2022 and has the potential to accommodate up to 400 staff.

The developer Heron Property Limited started construction works in December 2019 but works ceased in March due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Works are programmed to restart in late July 2020

The Kevin Watson Group (KWG) has just completed fit-out of its building to accommodate its expanding business. The building opened in February 2020 and staff numbers will build to 35 as soon as possible.

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A new tenant meanwhile has been selected to develop Building 30 into a Café and Bike hire business and plans to occupy the building by January 2021.

New proposed tenants meanwhile have sought planning permission to develop Building 40 into a licensed Restaurant and Bar, due to open in spring of 2021 subject to planning and LBC approval.

Work on a major 4-Star 152-bed Ebrington Hotel with spa and leisure Facilities a and leisure facilities was due to start in May 2020. Construction has been delayed for seven months however due to both the health and economic implications of Covid 19. Works are now planned to start in early 2021.

An established retailer has received planning permission to develop building 102 as a convenience Retail Store, with work started and a planned opening of early 2021.

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An agreement has been struck for the Victorian former Officer’s Mess building and associated structures and lands to for a development includes plans for residential, commercial office space, childcare/nursery and art/creative industries. Works to Phase One are nearing completion with the first tenant due to take up occupation in late September 2020.

The former Boy & Girl School Houses now have preferred tenants with approvals and legal processes are now complete. Refurbishment works are expected to complete this summer. Both businesses will open in August/September 2019 (Covid-19 dependent).

There is also currently work going on in and around the suite of buildings formerly earmarked for a whiskey distillery and visitor centre to the south of Ebrington Square.

New tenants have now been secured for Building 10- the Old Guardhouse - and the approvals process is complete, with a planning application due to be submitted this month.

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The Barracks overlooking the square on the south side (Building 11) also now has tenants secured and the approvals process is complete. Works are due to start on Phase One refurbishment in October 2020.

Conservation works are ongoing at the former Barrack Master’s House (Admiral’s House) which has a walled garden within the Star Fort and overlooks the River Foyle.

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