Derry event for young people with Diabetes

The event for young people with Diabetes takes place in Derry next month.The event for young people with Diabetes takes place in Derry next month.
The event for young people with Diabetes takes place in Derry next month.
A special event for young people who are living with Diabetes is set to take place in Derry's Playhouse next month.

The event, due to be held on March 3, is being organised by The Diabetes Team in Altnagelvin Hospital in collaboration with the Ulster University Design Team and Diabetes UK.

It is open to young people living with diabetes from the age of 14 to 23 and parents/ carers of young people with diabetes.

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A spokesperson said: “The Diabetes team in Altnagelvin Hospital is committed to person centred care and keen to collaborate with the users in our service design Growing up has its own challenges. New experiences, relationships and responsibilities can have both positive and negative impacts on our life. Diabetes can potentially complicate these complex challenges further.

“The event organised at The Playhouse in Derry hopes to bring together young people and their families to offer peer support and facilitate co-creation and co-production of a resource kit to help manage the transition from childhood to young adulthood and beyond. Apart from meeting other young people with diabetes living in the local area this would be real world experience for students in teamwork, communication, networking, production and design.”

The event will take place on March 3 from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm.