382 Ballymac homes get new energy efficient glazing with £890k investment

Housing Executive patch manager Deirdre Harkin with tenant Neil Hargan beside
one of the newly windows fitted at his home in Allingham Close, Ballymagroarty.Housing Executive patch manager Deirdre Harkin with tenant Neil Hargan beside
one of the newly windows fitted at his home in Allingham Close, Ballymagroarty.
Housing Executive patch manager Deirdre Harkin with tenant Neil Hargan beside one of the newly windows fitted at his home in Allingham Close, Ballymagroarty.
Housing Executive tenants in Ballymagroarty now have more energy efficient homes, following the replacement of double glazing in 382 dwellings in the area, in an investment of £890,000.

As well as falling energy bills for tenants and increased comfort in their homes, the new glazing will also make a significant difference in terms of the carbon footprint of the area.

All windows have been replaced with white PVC double glazing by contractors, Combined Facilities Management (CFM), with works nearing completion.

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Neil Hargan, a tenant in Allingham Close, said he was delighted with the recent work carried out to his home.

He added: “I’m really happy with the work that’s been done, the new windows make a big difference and definitely look a lot better.

“The house feels warmer, the added security clasp on the windows is great, and the house is quieter too.”

Martina Forrest, the Housing Executive’s Collon Terrace office Team Leader, welcomed the ongoing investment.

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She said: “This window replacement scheme has had some delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic, however, it is encouraging to see that hundreds of homes across the City now have new double glazed windows.

“This is a major investment by the Housing Executive for our tenants and has been very well received with a lot of positive feedback to date.”