Creggan Country Park masterplan report to examine full potential

JULY 2020: Youth leaders and young people from Rosemount Youth Club who participated ina clean-up at Creggan Country Park. DER2028GS - 005JULY 2020: Youth leaders and young people from Rosemount Youth Club who participated ina clean-up at Creggan Country Park. DER2028GS - 005
JULY 2020: Youth leaders and young people from Rosemount Youth Club who participated ina clean-up at Creggan Country Park. DER2028GS - 005
Council officers are to develop a report on a masterplan for bringing the greater Creggan Country Park area ‘to its full potential’ after Councillors unanimously backed the move.

At Derry City and Strabane District Council’s last full meeting of 2020, People Before Profit Councillor Shaun Harkin proposed that ‘Council will work in partnership with Creggan Country Park Enterprises Limited (CCPEL) and other stakeholders in the creation of a masterplan to develop the Greater Creggan Country Park area to its full potential in line with our climate declaration, health and wellbeing, neighbourhood renewal and local growth plan for the benefit and enjoyment of nearby residents, park users, people across the district and beyond.’

Karen Phillips, Director of Environment and Regeneration told Councillors that officers have been in dialogue with Creggan Country Park over the last couple of years.

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She said: “Certainly they have sought some support in terms of their development of a master plan for the asset and Members will be aware that Creggan Country Park has a long lease so in effect are the owners of the asset and Council Officers have sought to provide some support to them.

“Those discussions are ongoing but we would be more than happy to bring a report into the Environment and Regeneration Committee to outline the parameters of that.

“There is great potential for this asset for the city and district and Creggan Country Park have shown a willingness to develop the asset.”

UUP Alderman Derek Hussey raised some concerns around recreational provision, saying; “Recently some of us in the rural areas have been receiving updates from Council officials with regards to the Play Plan review. We are talking here in regard to leisure provision, and there’s a serious concern, particularly in the rural areas, that many of these projects that occur within the former Derry City Council area, mitigate against the much needed provision that has to be dealt with in the wider Council area.

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“I’m being parochial and deliberately parochial to the Derg area – there are 14 play parks in the Derg area, nine of them are deemed by the Play Board as not fit for use. These are Council facilities, if we are to go ahead with this, there will be Council finance involved so I think a report coming forward as a way to actually look at this and perhaps being dealt with by the appropriate committee, because in the not too distant future an Officer will be presenting a report on the Play Plan review and I will be honest with you, when it comes I can tell you it is a damning indictment of the lack of provision in the Derg area and the Sperrin area doesn’t fall far behind it.”

Having heard what Ms Phillips had to say Alderman Hussey made a small amendment to the original proposal, and members all voted unanimously in favour of the amendment and then the substantive motion.

By Gillian Anderson

Local Democracy Reporter