Mind-blowing aerial snap of Donegal beach scoops National Geographic landscape award

Winter swimmers at Marble Hill.Winter swimmers at Marble Hill.
Winter swimmers at Marble Hill.
An extraordinary photograph of a stream flowing into the sea at a popular Donegal beach has won the best landscape award in the National Geographic Traveller Photography Competition 2021.

Özgün Özdemir's mind-blowing aerial shot of the rivulet flowing into Sheephaven Bay at Marble Hill wowed the judges who said: "The planning and execution of this shot is the most striking aspect.

"The photographer was able to capture a moment to allow us to experience a much deeper view of the landscape. The use of a drone is incredibly impactful, making the stream from land to water feel like a magic spell."

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Özgün, who is originally from Izmir in Turkey but is based in Donegal, said: "I’d been trying for this shot for months but couldn’t get a calm early morning. On this November day, my friends and I agreed to meet at the beach at sunrise, but after checking the forecast I realised that would mean missing the ideal conditions, so I arrived an hour early to set up."

You can view more of Özgün's work at https://www.instagram.com/oozzgguunn/

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