24 hours of football for charities

Derry Sinn Féin is to host a 24-hour ‘futsal’ or ‘indoor football’ tournament in aid of local charities HURT and Foyle Search and Rescue.

The ‘Game of Hope’ tournament will take place at the CK Futsal Centre in the Skeoge Industrial Estate starting at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 31 and ending at 1 p.m. on Sunday, December 1.

Football will be played continuously running right through the night.

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Sinn Féin Councillor for the Ballyarnett District Electoral Area (DEA) Sandra Duffy said: “Football will be played for 24 hours and we would encourage as many people as possible to take part and play a game.

“There will be entertainment and activities all day and night - people can call in through the day and watch the football in play! All proceeds from the event will go to two fantastic local charities HURT and Foyle Search & Rescue.”