Activists engage with young people over Creggan fireworks

Activists out in the Creggan area over recent nights.Activists out in the Creggan area over recent nights.
Activists out in the Creggan area over recent nights.
Republican representatives have spoken with young people in the Creggan area following widespread concerns over fireworks being thrown at people in the area.

A spokesperson for Junior McDaid House said: “After receiving numerous complaints over the past number of days regarding anti-community activity by youths at the Creggan shops, Junior McDaid House representatives in conjunction with Saoradh and Eistigí decided to take a pro-active approach to the situation.

“Saoradh and Eistigí activists put feet on the street.

“Our activists spoke to a number of local businesses and some of the young people involved in the misuse of fireworks and brought the situation under control.” The spokesperson said that speaking with the young people involved in this type of behaviour “is the first step to ceasing the problem”.

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He added that this direct approach of putting activists on the ground to tackle these problems goes a lot further than others have done in taking to the airwaves.

“Junior McDaid House urge anyone with any further concerns to contact your local Saoradh representative,” he added.