Adams to address Sinn Féin youth in Derry

Senator Fintan Warfield, Chairperson of Sinn Féin Republican Youth in Ireland with Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams who will speak at the congress in Derry on Saturday.Senator Fintan Warfield, Chairperson of Sinn Féin Republican Youth in Ireland with Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams who will speak at the congress in Derry on Saturday.
Senator Fintan Warfield, Chairperson of Sinn Féin Republican Youth in Ireland with Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams who will speak at the congress in Derry on Saturday.
Sinn Féin President, Gerry Adams, will be arriving in Derry tomorrow to address an All-Ireland gathering of young party activists, it has been confirmed.

The Louth TD will speak in the Gasyard Centre as part of a programme of events planned for the weekend.

Speaking ahead of the event, Chairperson of Sinn Féin Republican Youth’s Derry branch, Caolán McGinley said: “I am pleased to announce that Gerry Adams will address the Sinn Féin Republican Youth National Congress in the Gasyard Centre on Saturday at 1.30pm.”

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Caolán added that he was delighted the event was being staged in the city.

He said: “Derry has a special history, in terms of Republicanism and Civil Rights.

“The attack on marchers at Duke Street in 1968, the Battle of Bogside and Bloody Sunday and the Hunger Strikes are key events in our history.

“As young people, we are at the cutting age of change in society and under the leadership of people like Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness, we will be the people who drive progressive change for the public good.”

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Hundreds of young delegates and activists from across Ireland will gather in the Gasyard Centre tomorrow and Sunday to host workshops and debates on a range of issues including youth and social affairs, education and international affairs.

The conference is the largest gathering of young Republicans on the island of Ireland.

The theme is a ‘Vision for Unity’ and the role of young people in building a United Ireland based on equality as outlined in the 1916 Proclamation.

A number of invited guests from international youth movements such as Catalonia, Sardinia, the Basque Country and Scotland will also take part in the event, participating in panel discussions.

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Caolán McGinley said: “It’s great to have the National Congress in your home city. Last year it was held in Cork and over that weekend hundreds of young people attended.

“We will debating the serious consequences Brexit will have on borders cities such as Derry, marriage equality and a way forward on the current political crisis and allegations of corruption.

“The National Congress creates space for young republicans to have their say. Bigí linn!”

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