£307,000 road improvement scheme for Derry

Richill Park in the Waterside (Google Earth)Richill Park in the Waterside (Google Earth)
Richill Park in the Waterside (Google Earth)
A £307,000 resurfacing and reconstruction scheme is due to commence at U1540 Richill Park and Cricklewood Park in Derry on Monday, July 2.

The works, which will improve the strength and surface quality of the roads, also includes resurfacing of footways and associated kerb replacement.

Some disruption can be expected for the duration of the scheme and road users should allow additional time when planning any journeys, the Department from Infrastructure has said.

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A spokesperson said: “It will also be necessary to implement a full road closure from 28 to 30 August while final resurfacing takes place.

“During this time a diversionary route shall operate via A514 Crescent Link and B530 Rossdowney Road and vice versa. Access for local residents and businesses shall be accommodated throughout.

“Subject to favourable weather conditions the works is expected to be completed by the end of August, however, the Department will keep the public informed of any change.”

For more information about this and other improvement schemes visit: www.TrafficwatchNI.com

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