Bloody Sunday prosecution motion to be voted on today

Bloody Sunday decision.Bloody Sunday decision.
Bloody Sunday decision.
Derry City & Strabane District Council are this evening expected to pass a motion expressing disappointment at the Public Prosecution Service’s (PPS) decision to prosecute only one British soldier for his role in the Bloody Sunday massacre.

It’s also anticipated the Council will pledge support for the families of the 14 men who lost their lives as a result of the British Parachute Regiment’s lethal suppression of an anti-internment march in Derry on January 30, 1972, in whatever steps they decide to take in order to challenge it.

A proposal to this effect is to be brought by Sinn Féin Councillor Kevin Campbell at DC&SDC’s last monthly meeting of its inaugural term in the Guildhall this afternoon.

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Colr. Campbell said: “The courage and dignity of the Bloody Sunday families over the past 47 years has been remarkable.

“Our Deputy Leader Michelle O’Neill spoke for us all when she said on the day of the PPS announcement that we share that disappointment and the sense of incredulity at the decision, given the clearly established facts about the actions of the British Army on Bloody Sunday.

“As a Council it is very important that we show continuing solidarity with the families in their long campaign for truth and justice and we hope this motion will be backed as a clear demonstration of our support for the families in whatever steps they decide to take next.”

With Sinn Féin’s 16 councillors backing the proposal the motion will require the support of only five other members to pass.

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Colr. Campbell will move: “That this Council commends the dignity and the determination of the Bloody Sunday families in their long campaign for truth and justice; expresses our ongoing support and solidarity for them in the face of the PPS decision to prosecute just one former soldier for their role in the massacre. This Council echoes the disappointment felt by many at that decision and resolves to support the families in whatever steps they decide to take in order to challenge it.”