Bogside physical activity strategy celebrated

Young pals Clodagh Gillespie, Abaigh Carlin, Ceacach Doherty, Summer Gillespie and Eabhea Kelly enjoyed the fun day held in the Long Tower Youth Club by the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum to raise funds for the BBC Children in Need Appeal. DER4817-113KMYoung pals Clodagh Gillespie, Abaigh Carlin, Ceacach Doherty, Summer Gillespie and Eabhea Kelly enjoyed the fun day held in the Long Tower Youth Club by the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum to raise funds for the BBC Children in Need Appeal. DER4817-113KM
Young pals Clodagh Gillespie, Abaigh Carlin, Ceacach Doherty, Summer Gillespie and Eabhea Kelly enjoyed the fun day held in the Long Tower Youth Club by the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum to raise funds for the BBC Children in Need Appeal. DER4817-113KM
The Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum has been recognised for its work to help local residents take small steps to better health.

At an event hosted by the National Charity Partnership, the Forum’s innovative two year programme to help people move more and eat better was hailed.

Representatives from the UK’s biggest charity partnerships spoke of the significant impact Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum has made on the lives of people in Derry and Castlederg at a celebratory event held at Long Tower Youth Club, Derry.

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The National Charity Partnership teamed up with Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum in 2015 and funded walking, running and cycling groups to inspire residents to make the most of free local resources as part of its work to encourage people to lead healthier lifestyles.

Rhonda Bogle, who attended the cycle sessions, said: “The weekly cycle sessions are a great way to keep my fitness levels up and I have now built this activity in to my routine.

“I find that it is not only about getting healthier, but it’s also a great way to get out of the house and meet new friends and I have even encouraged my neighbours to get involved.”

Aileen McGuinness, programme manager for Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum, who delivers the physical activity programmes, said: “We know that doing regular exercise and having access to local activities are both essential for people’s health and wellbeing, so we are delighted that these programmes in Derry and Castlederg have been so popular.”