Bogside sewer survey over rodent infestation

The  problem of rodents around the Meenan Sqaure area of the Bogside is to looked at. (File Picture Jim Stark,  problem of rodents around the Meenan Sqaure area of the Bogside is to looked at. (File Picture Jim Stark,
The problem of rodents around the Meenan Sqaure area of the Bogside is to looked at. (File Picture Jim Stark,
A survey of sewers across part of the Bogside area is to take place following a meeting to examine tackling a rodent infestation in the area.

Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue made the announcement following a multi-agency meeting this week.

The meeting was held to look at the rodent infestation problem affecting areas of the Bogside.

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Colr. Logue said: “NI Water have agreed to do a survey of all the sewers and manhole covers in Elmwood Road, Cable Street, Lisfannon Park, Meenan Square, Meenan Drive, Drumcliffe Avenue, Abbots Walk and the streets off it.

“The work to the sewage system in the Dove Gardens is to begin shortly.

And with this in mind the council and the Bogside and Brandywell Initiative are to deliver an information leaflet to homes in the district in regards to some practical measures that can be used to stop rodent infestation.”

Colr. Logue said there will be further meetings in the coming days to look at other measures that can be put in place.

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She said: “I will also be meeting with the Housing Executive to ask for an external survey of properties in the area to see if there are any issues that may be adding to the rodent problem so they can be rectified.”

The meeting on Tuesday involved various key statutory agencies and representatives from the local community, and was held following concerns raised by residents living in the area.