Call for new park signage

Councillor Logue with Karen Mullan MLA at the new play park.Councillor Logue with Karen Mullan MLA at the new play park.
Councillor Logue with Karen Mullan MLA at the new play park.
Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue has called for signage to be erected advising of 'children playing' in advance of the new play park opening in the Brandywell.

Colr. Logue said: “It’s great to see the regeneration of the entire Brandywell Stadium. Along with the stadium we also now have the new dog track facilities and a state-of-the-art play park which are near completion. Local people are eagerly awaiting the opening of the park and I hope the council can release the date of the opening soon.

“Ahead of the opening I am calling on the Council and Transport NI to erect signage on the roadways around the park advising of ‘children playing’. The roads around this new facility are always very busy with traffic and I feel its always important to remind motorists to slow down and take care travelling through the area.”