Cigarettes stolen in overnight ram raid

Colr. Sandra Duffy.Colr. Sandra Duffy.
Colr. Sandra Duffy.
A quantity of cigarettes have been stolen in an overnight ram raid in Derry.

Police are appealing for information following the aggravated burglary from a shop in the Fairview Road area of Galliagh.

Inspector Smyth said: “ Shortly after 1:30 am it was reported that a vehicle had caused damage to the shutters of the shop and entry was then gained before a quantity of cigarettes were stolen from it.

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"Anyone with information is asked to contact 101 quoting reference 207 28/01/18. Or, alternatively information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime.”

Derry Sinn Féin Councillor Sandra Duffy said: "The people in the Galliagh community are angry this morning following a night of anti community behaviour from a large group of young people roaming through the area.

"Their behaviour escalated throughout the evening finishing with a robbery of the local shop.

"The shop is now closed this morning leaving the business owner losing money, staff losing pay and local residents unable to use a vital local service.

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"This activity must be challenged and addressed, whilst it is a policing issue it is also wider than this.

"The community can't continue to suffer as young people think they can do whatever they want without consequence.

"I will be addressing this through our community structures and will look for a multi agency response and solution."