'˜Community watch' move in Greysteel after Easter trouble

Sinn Fein Colr. Dermot Nicholl.Sinn Fein Colr. Dermot Nicholl.
Sinn Fein Colr. Dermot Nicholl.
Houses pelted with '˜muck bombs' and youths running through properties in Greysteel over the Easter weekend has prompted a move towards setting up a '˜community watch' scheme.

Sinn Fein councillor Dermot Nicholl said after a spate of incidents during the Easter holiday weekend, it’s time the community collectively tackled the issue of anti social behaviour.

Colr. Nicholl said he was contacted by residents who reported young people, of primary school and first year age, running rampant through their gardens, throwing muck bombs at their homes, jumping over fences and causing damage.

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Colr. Nicholl said sandbags on the roof of the community centre - placed by Causeway Council to help secure the roof - were stolen.

“Regarding the sand bag theft, well it shows now that the play park can’t be left open in the evening as that’s how they gained access to the community centre. I don’t know why anyone would steal sandbags. I’m sure if they asked for a sandbag they’d get one, but why they would want to climb onto a roof, risk their life, and steal sandbags weighing two to three stone, I don’t know,” said Colr. Nicholl.

“No one seems to know who these young people are, but I would appeal to parents to make sure they know who their children are with, and where they are. These incidents are unsavoury and needless. They’re not reflective of the good, decent community in Greysteel. It also makes you wonder, with the longer evenings and as we’re nearing the end of the school year, is this the summer we’re in for?

“The message has to go out that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated. Some type of forum has to be set up so, if someone sees something, it can be reported before the situation escalates.

“This definitely lends itself to a ‘community watch’ scheme and that process has to be started now.”

Colr. Nicholl said he plans to hold a public meeting in coming weeks.

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