Concerns raised over additional Derry turbines

Wind turbines.Wind turbines.
Wind turbines.
Residents from Derry's rural hinterland have warned that proposals for more wind turbines and other renewable energy installations could pose an environmental hazard.

The residents met recently to discuss proposals for more infrastructure across the Tamnaherin, Monnaboy, Brockagh, Slaughtmanus and Highmoor areas.

Around 100 objections to a plan for additional wind turbine infrastructure were due to be submitted to Derry City & Strabane District Council by hand this week.

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The residents said they had very real concerns about the potential impact on their health as well as wildlife, a local forest and the wider landscape.

A spokesman said: “If all this goes ahead, our fear is that this will leave the whole area saturated with wind turbines. It’s just not on. Our fear is that if these are accepted and go ahead then more will follow as well”.

“There are already wind turbines in the area and they are an eyesore. They just don’t fit in and there’s a visual impact from all the surrounding areas. You can see them from Donegal.”

The residents have also raised concerns over the potential impact of such infrastructure in relation to air traffic at City of Derry Airport, which they estimated was just three miles away.

They also warned that some residents were already finding it difficult to sleep because of the noise from turbines at night.