Council officer dispatched to tackle dumping

The maggot infested rat discovered amid the rubbish dumped in the laneway.The maggot infested rat discovered amid the rubbish dumped in the laneway.
The maggot infested rat discovered amid the rubbish dumped in the laneway.
Derry & Strabane Council has dispatched an enforcement officer to tackle residents who are dumping rubbish on the laneways in the Bogside.

The move comes following concerns raised over dumping in the Cable Street area.

Residents have expressed fears that the dumping is attracting rats into the area, and local Councillors Gary Donnelly and Sean Carr revealed earlier this week that a maggot-infested dead rat was discovered under a pile of rubbish as they took part in a clean up operation in a laneway off Cable Street.

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A spokesperson for the council said: “Council had been contacted regarding the ongoing problem of illegal dumping in the Cable Street area and an officer has been sent to investigate with a view to identifying those behind the activity and imposing the appropriate penalties.

“Council will continue to work in close partnership with community representatives and the wider local community in an effort to resolve the issue, and encourage the public to use the litter bins provided or avail of the many council collection services available.”

Colr. Donnelly said: “I welcome the proactive stance taken by the council because there is absolutely no excuse for this. We have black bins, blue bins and now brown bins as well as bulky lifts by council just a phone call away. Those doing this are showing contempt for those around them and creating a major health and safety risk, for young people in particular.”