Creator of Legoland to hold workshops in city centre

Legoland creator Guy Bagley.Legoland creator Guy Bagley.
Legoland creator Guy Bagley.
The man who designed and built the creations at Legoland will be in Derry later this month to host a series of Masterbuilder classes.

Guy Bagley, who worked for 23 years as the senior model designer for Legoland, will be in the city to give Lego lovers a once in a lifetime insight into the world of Lego design.

He will also provide hints and tips to improve building skills and take part in a question and answer session.

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His Lego Masterbuilder Workshops will be delivered on Saturday, March 19th at the Social Enterprise Hub, in the Diamond, Derry at 12 pm and 2 pm.

The workshops are organised by Derry City and Strabane District Council to coincide with the Brick Wonders Lego Exhibition that is currently on display at the Nerve Centre.

The seven Wonders of the World are among the many unique and intricate Lego designs that are featured in the 70-piece Brick Wonders exhibition, which will be in situ until May 2.

Speaking ahead of his visit, Guy Bagley, who is professionally trained in Industrial Model Making, said: “Each session will include some techniques to show the versatility of build styles in Lego and will include a variety of topics such as planning and designing Lego models, different build styles and creating complex shapes.

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“The sessions will be informative and interesting but most importantly they will be fun and interactive. This is a fantastic way for me to share my knowledge and experience with others and to find out about possible emerging Lego talent in the Derry and Strabane area,” he added.

Tickets priced at £5 are available on a first come first served basis and can be booked online via the Nerve Centre website at or telephone 02871260562.