39-year-old caused damage in local hostel

Bishop Street courthouse.Bishop Street courthouse.
Bishop Street courthouse.
A man who was ‘exceedingly intoxicated’ caused criminal damage to a glass panel and then assaulted a police officer.

David Duff, of no fixed abode, admitted four charges that occurred on August 29.

Derry Magistrate’s Court was told that police were called to Damian House after reports of a male behaving aggressively.

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Police were told the 39-year-old had smashed a glass panel with his fist.

Officers observed the defendant and found him to be ‘in a highly agitated state’.

Duff then ran out and went into the River Foyle, before he was rescued and taken to Altnagelvin Hospital.

In the hospital he was verbally aggressive towards police and members of the public.

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Duff was warned about his behaviour but persisted and was arrested for disorderly behaviour.

When officers tried to place him in a police vehicle, he resisted and attempted to headbutt an officer.

Defence solicitor Maoliosa Barr said that Duff was in breach of suspended sentences but these were for specific offences.

The solicitor said that the defendant accepted he came across as aggressive.

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He added that his client had been removed from the hospital very quickly once he behaved in a disorderly manner.

Mr Barr said Duff admitted his behaviour from the outset and told the court his client had lost his accommodation as a result of his offending.

Deputy District Judge Laura Ievers said that Duff had already suffered some consequences for his actions in losing his accommodation.

She said the breach of the suspended sentences did cause the court ‘considerable concern’.

The judge suspended a four months sentence for two years.