Accused of assaulting pregnant girlfriend

Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept.Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept.
Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept.
A man allegedly kicked his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach and tried to pull her over the railings of a bridge, the High Court has heard.

Prosecutors also claimed Ciaran Bradley subjected the woman to verbal abuse during an attack in Derry.

The 23-year-old, of Melrose Terrace in the city, denies a charge of common assault over the incident on April 30.

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He was granted bail on conditions including a ban on contacting the alleged victim or entering parts of Derry.

Crown lawyer Kate McKay said the woman told a social worker Bradley had kicked her in the tummy area.

According to that account he also attempted to pull her over the railings of the Peace Bridge.

“She said he was verbally abusive, calling her a slut and tramp, and wished her and the unborn baby would just die,” Mrs McKay submitted.

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Following his arrest Bradley claimed the couple had a verbal disagreement but denied any violence.

The court heard CCTV footage depicts them on the bridge but does not show the alleged assault.

However, according to the prosecution, Bradley is seen pushing and pulling the woman with excessive force as they cross at traffic lights towards the Guildhall.

Bradley had been released from custody, but was detained again amid claims he punched the woman in the stomach earlier this month after she had given birth.

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Granting bail, Lord Justice Treacy excluded Bradley from the cityside and ordered him to keep away from the woman.

The judge warned him: “If you breach your bail you will go back in custody and stay there until your case is dealt with.”