Aggravated burglary appeal: Suspect descriptions and items taken in Inishowen crime are released by Gardai

One of the items taken in the burglary.One of the items taken in the burglary.
One of the items taken in the burglary.
Gardai have released further details and an appeal for information on an aggravated burglary that occurred in Inishowen in December.

Gardaí at Buncrana Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary at a private residence that occurred at Meenaharnish, Ballymagan, Buncrana, Co. Donegal between 4am and 6am on Saturday. December 11, 2021.

On the date in question two women were at home where they sat up talking until approximately 1.40am. They both went to their own rooms and one stayed awake until 3am.

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A car was seen approaching from nearby CCTV at approximately 4am and it stayed there until approximately 6am

A silver locket taken in the aggravated burglary.A silver locket taken in the aggravated burglary.
A silver locket taken in the aggravated burglary.

A downstairs rear window was damaged and two suspects entered the house. They went straight to the bedroom of one of the victims. The first suspect was holding a metal bar and was not masked. The second suspect was wearing a blue disposable mask. The first suspect took the victim by the arm, out of her bed to the living room, where he asked her for money. Both suspects searched the living room before the first suspect went upstairs and brought down the second victim.

Both victims were then brought into a bedroom by both suspects. The second suspect stayed with them while the first suspect searched the house. A car drove past the house with headlights on two occasions. The second suspect called out the time shortly before 6am and both men left.

Items taken during the course of the Aggravated Burglary were:

1) Silver locket pendant

2) Solid gold rope chain

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3) Heart shaped gold locket on a gold chain – locket opens nothing inside

4) Gold ring with a single red stone in the middle

5) A gold sovereign ring

The aggravated burglary occurred in the Ballymagan (Illies) area of Inishowen.The aggravated burglary occurred in the Ballymagan (Illies) area of Inishowen.
The aggravated burglary occurred in the Ballymagan (Illies) area of Inishowen.

6) White iphone 12 with Apple mag safe protection case (clear)

The description of the suspects are as follows: Suspect 1: Mid 30’s, average height/build, with a Derry / Border Accent. Brown/reddish brown facial hair (not ginger) and pale skin. He wore dark ‘Under Armour’ brand tracksuit bottoms, dark hoodie with the hood up, dark gloves. No mask.

Suspect 2:Early 20’s, hair colour unknown. He was of average height / build with a Derry / Border accent. He wore black Nike shoes with 3D lines across the top, a long black knee length puffer coat down to his knees, a blue disposable face mask and blue gloves.

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Gardai have asked: Were you travelling in the Meenaharnish, Carnbrea, Quigley’s point, through Muff/Derry Border area on the 11th December 2021 anytime between 5.30 to 6.30am? Have you dash cam footage which may assist in the investigation? Did you notice a black 2006-2011 model Volkswagen Passat on your journey? Do you have any information in relation to the movements of this vehicle? Have you any information in relation to the suspects’ involved in this crime or that may assist the investigation? Do you know the whereabouts or have any information in relation to the stolen property taken, that might assist the investigation?

The incident was featured on Crimecall on RTE One earlier this week and a Garda spokesperson said that while, ‘understandably, this crime has caused great concern amongst the public, particularly the older generation, Gardaí wish to reassure the local community that this crime is uncommon and that they are pursuing some positive lines of enquiry.’

Gardaí would like to thank those who have already come forward and assisted with the investigation.

Anyone with information can contact Buncrana Garda Station on 00353 74 93 932 0540