Couple shaken after ransacking of home by burglars

A couple have been left shaken after their house was ransacked by burglars in Derry.

Jewellery was taken in the break-in.

Detectives are appealing for witnesses and information following the burglary in the Grovemount Court area of Altnagelvin, on Thursday, September 12.

Detective Sergeant Boyd said: “It was reported that entry was gained to the property between 11am and 2pm on Thursday. The owners returned to find their home had been ransacked and several items of jewellery taken.

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“The two have been left shaken by the intrusion. And I am appealing to anyone with information, or who may have noticed any suspicious activity in the area, to contact us on 101, quoting reference number 917 of 12/09/19.

“Alternatively, information can be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime.”