Covid-19: ‘Worrying’ rise in domestic violence - MLA

Authorities say there has been a sharp rise in incidents of domestic violence in recent weeks.Authorities say there has been a sharp rise in incidents of domestic violence in recent weeks.
Authorities say there has been a sharp rise in incidents of domestic violence in recent weeks.
The rise in domestic violence locally and internationally as a result of the Covid-19 lockdown is highly worrying, says Sinead McLaughlin, SDLP MLA for Foyle.

The PSNI has warned not merely of an increase in domestic violence, but even of domestic murder.

Around the world, police forces have found that domestic violence has increased by as much as 40%, with household members feeling unable to escape situations of tension and anger.

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“I am very worried by this situation,” said Sinead McLaughlin. “People who are experiencing domestic violence, or situations where they fear this may happen, should still leave their home – despite the movement restrictions. The PSNI has said that its domestic abuse services remain open and available, even in the current circumstances.

“Similarly, other services remain open. Women’s Aid is still there to provide help for women and children who are at risk. The Men’s Advisory Project is there for men under threat and in need of support or help. The same is true of the Rainbow Project for members of the LGBT community. I urge people in danger to use the services available to them.”

A 24-hour Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline can be accessed on 0808 802 1414.