Derry DUP MLA Gary Middleton expresses alarm over 195 drink-driving arrests in run up to Christmas

Drink driving.Drink driving.
Drink driving.
Foyle DUP MLA and Policing Board member Gary Middleton has voiced concerns about the significant increase in drink drive arrests in recent weeks.

Almost 200 arrests have already been made since the launch of the PSNI anti-drink and drug drive operation on November 28, 2019.

Speaking following the public Policing Board meeting today Mr Middleton said: “I questioned the Chief Constable today on the latest figures relating to arrests for drink driving offences. As of today, there have been 195 arrests. It is deeply concerning that this figure represents an increase of one third in comparison to the same period last year.

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"Everyone will welcome that offenders are still being identified and prosecuted but it is disgraceful that some people continue to engage in such behaviour.

"The message should be clear to all drivers - do not drink and drive. One drink could kill.

"There are too many families across Northern Ireland who are forced to deal with the aftermath of a road traffic collision caused by someone who had consumed alcohol before driving. I welcome the commitment from the PSNI that they will continue to carry out random breath tests as physical deterrents to those who break the law.”