Derry footballer James McClean subjected to anti-Irish and sectarian abuse in England again

James McClean representing Ireland.James McClean representing Ireland.
James McClean representing Ireland.
Derry footballer James McClean has once again been subjected to anti-Irish and sectarian abuse in England.

The Stoke City and Ireland winger has suffered countless death threats and hate messages since moving to England to ply his trade in the top football divisions a decade ago.

The latest episode of prejudice has been widely condemned.

FAI CEO Jonathan Hill said: “The FAI remains committed to safeguarding all of our players against any form of abuse on any social media platform. To abuse or threaten James or any player because of his nationality should not be tolerated by society. Unfortunately, such behaviour is all too common now on social media.

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“Only last week we commended the stance taken by English football against the abuse of footballers across all social media channels and we are examining how best we can take a similar stance.”

Under the leadership of Intercultural Programme National Co-ordinator Des Tomlinson, the FAI is currently working on new Racism and Discrimination policies which will be presented to Board in the coming weeks.

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"The latest incident involving James and his family highlights how important this work is and why football needs to take action,” commented Des Tomlinson.

“In recent times many of our players have been victims of social media abuse, hate speech and threats including Jonathan Afolabi, Cyrus Christie and James. It is not acceptable and I will assure James of our full support as he deals with this.”

The Professional Footballers' Association said: "The sectarian abuse that Stoke City winger, James McClean, received over the weekend on social media is totally unacceptable. No player should have to face abuse based on their race, religion or nationality. We stand with all players against discrimination."

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Sinn Féin MLA Martina Anderson said: "The latest barrage of online abuse levelled at Irish professional football player James McClean is reprehensible.

“These vile threats are not only directed towards James, but also his young family. It is extremely concerning that a death threat was also made against James McClean.

“This sectarian and xenophobic abuse is unacceptable. It must not and cannot be tolerated.

“The English FA and Professional Footballers’ Association must urgently step up to the mark and ensure that maximum support is provided to James McClean and his family.

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“The authorities must also make a concentrated effort to ensure that those responsible for online abuse and threats within football stadiums are brought before the courts for their actions.

“Serious efforts must be made to tackle hate crimes and ensure that everyone can feel safe and secure in their own identity.”

T.D. and former Labour leadership candidate Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said: "Have huge respect for James McClean. Easy for a footballer to be silent but he’s determined to expose prejudice & hatred. You don’t have to agree with his politics to appreciate his integrity. UK authorities need to tackle hate speech and we have to do the same in Ireland."