Derry man arrested by anti-terror police investigating 'New IRA' released

Detective Chief Superintendent Raymond Murray.Detective Chief Superintendent Raymond Murray.
Detective Chief Superintendent Raymond Murray.
A man arrested in Creggan and taken to Belfast for questioning by anti-terror police in what the PSNI described as an operation against the 'New IRA' yesterday has been released.

The PSNI said a 39 year old man arrested under the Terrorism Act has been released following questioning.

Yesterday Detective Chief Superintendent Raymond Murray, Head of Serious Crime Branch, said: “Local district officers supported Terrorism Investigation Unit (TIU) detectives during a search and arrest operation in Creggan, in Derry/Londonderry as part of an ongoing investigation into a number of violent gun attacks on members of the Derry/Londonderry community over recent months.

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“A 39 year old man was arrested under the Terrorism Act and a number of electronic items have been seized, including mobile phones."

DCS Murray said the arrest - alongside an entirely separate operation in North Belfast - demonstrated 'significant progress' against the 'New IRA.'

"The 'New IRA' continues to pose a danger, especially to the communities in the areas they live and conduct their activities. Not least is their willingness to put local people at risk in their reckless haste to carry out bombings and shootings.

“They also think nothing of using their guns against people in the communities where they live, mutilating a number of men and teenagers, particularly in the North West. The brutal injuries they inflict on people are a stark violation of people’s basic human rights. And in addition to the inhumane treatment of their victims, they are putting the NHS under increasing pressure during the pandemic which is beyond reckless.

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“I would ask that anyone with information on their activities, especially the brutal attacks they carry out or the location of the guns and explosives which they often leave in public areas, to tell the police.

“Our investigations are most effective when police and communities work together.”